Sunday, September 30, 2012


Wild blueberry pie is best eaten outdoors with a view of cattle grazing on grassland slopes in the Vosges Mountains, at the Ferme-Auberge Molkenrain. At an altitude of 1,040 meters, on the Route des CrĂȘtes near Wattwiller, the Alsatian inn for backpackers is accessible by car via a bumpy, winding dirt road; or by any of several hiking trails between Saverne and the Vosges summit, the Ballon d'Alsace. 

une tarte aux myrtilles:  a blueberry pie
sauvage:  wild
une ferme:  a farm
une auberge:  an inn

Ce n'est pas de la tarte.
It's not a piece of pie; it's no picnic; i.e., it's not easy.

On n'est pas sorti de l'auberge.
We're not out of the woods yet.

For the curious French reader
Listen to and read along with Eddy Mitchell's French lyrics of Fats Domino's Blueberry Hill. Then tell me how this version wandered off onto the subject of HLM's. Click here.

©2012 P.B. Lecron

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