Thursday, April 5, 2018


Too pretty to eat
One of the earliest spring flowers in France is the primevère, which according to multiple online sources is comestible. Culinary and medicinal virtues are attributed to its young, tender leaves for use in soups and salads, and its blossoms for decorative effect. The primevère is both a wild and cultivated flower. When picking, it is advised to simply pinch off a few leaves and flowers and to not uproot this adorable perennial that begins to carpet the ground in early March. If any doubt persists about identifying this plant for consumption, or having an allergic reaction, then abstain!

une primevère:  a primrose (Primula)
se régaler:  to feast
se régaler de:  to really enjoy
un régal pour les yeux:  a feast for the eyes

©2018 P. B. Lecron

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