Sunday, September 23, 2018


On the Baie de Saint-Brieuc
What's wonderful in France are the foot paths along much of the nation's coastlines, like the one going off to the right in this photo taken in Bretagne. Known as des chemins or sentiers des douaniers, these were the paths that custom officials once walked to guard against maritime contraband. Maintained today as pedestrian nature paths, they are a walker's delight, and short of boating, are the best way to become acquainted with French coasts. 

le littoral:  coast
un chemin: path
un sentier de randonnée pédestre:  hiking trail
un douanier:  a customs officer

Take a peek in our new children's book!  Le Lapin et le Roi Grenouille and its English version, The Rabbit and King Frog, are both available worldwide on Amazon.

©2018 P. B. Lecron

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