Thursday, October 11, 2018


In an effort to set a good example for my very young grandsons, my franco-american daughter and I have taken a hands on approach to encourage creativity and early literacy--she has written and I have illustrated children's stories, all the while with the boys watching on and beginning to learn to read. At first the illustrated tales were just for them, but once printed and shown around, we realized that the stories have a healthy market! 
Le Lapin et le Roi Grenouille, above, and it's English version, The Rabbit and King Frog, is our second endeavor. It's an adorably surprising tale about Papa Rabbit's youngest daughter, Gladys, who gets stuck on a lily pad. 
We're also really excited to learn that our first book, Le Lapin et la Lune, is being used by some French school teachers to teach children to develop their imagination and to understand the moral of a story! Its English version is The Rabbit and the Moon
All titles are available worldwide on Amazon. You can click on the titles to take a peek!

acquérir:  to acquire, to get hands on

©2018 P. B. Lecron

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