Monday, April 5, 2021


À la cueillette
For the joy of yellow tulips and sun at a self-pick farm near Versailles!
La Ferme de Gally, le dimanche de Pâques

faire la cueillette, cueillir: gather, pick, harvest

Something new!

Having raised Franco-American children has meant adapting to and adopting French folklore and traditions, one of the most charming being the French notion of the Tooth Fairy. In France, it's a little mouse known as La Petite Souris! Now a grandmother, I've taken to illustrating, and now writing, original children's stories in French! Meet my newest creation, Iris, an ordinary French mouse who dreams of being the Tooth Fairy, in Une Véritable Petite Souris. It and its English version, A Genuine Little Mouse, are both available on worldwide Amazon sites. Click on the titles to take a peek!

©2021 P. B. Lecron


Saturday, April 3, 2021


 Le week-end pascal

As it often happens at Easter in northern France, the temperatures have suddenly dipped 
down for the week-end pascal. Cooler weather, though will make the jonquils last longer!
Notice that in French, weekend is still often spelled with a hyphen.

un trait d'union: a hyphen

Learning French?
Reading children's stories in a foreign language can jumpstart the acquisition of a second language. Illustrated and easy to understand, they are great resources for increasing vocabulary and becoming familiar with grammatical structures. One of the newest books on our shelf is Le Lapin à la recherche du Printemps. It's a new and original fairy tale about an unexpected and heavy spring snow. It and its English version, The Rabbit in Search of Spring, are available on Amazon, worldwide. Click on the titles to take a peek! 

Illustration from Le Lapin à la recherche du
, ©2020 Birdie Bergamot Books,
all rights reserved.

©2021 P. B. Lecron

Thursday, April 1, 2021


April 1st in France would not be a treat without some of these little guys!

This year we've opted for white chocolate fritures, or "small fries," rather 
than the larger, dark or milk chocolate fish. April Fools Day in France is known 
as Poisson d'Avril; the typical prank children play is to cut out paper fish and 
then to surreptitiously stick them onto a school teacher's back.

©2021 P. B. Lecron