Friday, March 2, 2018


  Ça vaut ce que ça vaut

The old French proverb  "À la chandelle, la chèvre semble demoiselle," meaning literally that by candlelight a goat seems to be a young lady,  is replete with innuendos we choose not to get into; suffice it to say that  the adage is worth what it is worth. It is generally taken to mean that in the dark it's not always easy to make things out. The photo of the charming portrait, above, was taken in the Musée de Vernon, a small and interesting museum in Normandie which is one of only a few in France that specializes in animal art. The mixed media work of charcoal, ink wax, and brass leaf on canvas is by Jean-Jacques Ostier (1945-2014).

Ça vaut ce que ça vaut:  for what it's worth

©2018 P. B. Lecron

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