Friday, July 6, 2012


From the powerful Italian Médicis family to French kings and Boy Scouts, through the centuries the fleur de lys has been the emblem of diverse nations and monarchies as well as being widely associated with the Holy Trinity. The one above is carved in stone on the exterior of the 13th-century Sainte-Chapelle, Paris.

This age-old symbol of nobility, purity and power makes for a pretty table napkin, too. For three different but easy fleur de lys napkin folding instructions: click herehere and here.

un fleur de lys:  a lily flower
un blason: a blazon, coat of arms
un emblème:  an emblem
un écusson:  a badge
une serviette de table:  a table napkin
le pliage:  folding

©2012 P.B. Lecron

1 comment:

  1. What a nice idea to share. I like the 2 first links.
    Thanks for sharing. It might be useful for my guest house.
